Protecting Thai Islands: Eco Travel Tips

THéo COurant

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Protecting Thai Islands: Eco Travel Tips

In an era where environmental preservation has become a paramount concern, it is imperative for travelers to embrace eco-friendly practices, particularly when visiting the pristine Thai Islands. We present the essential steps to becoming a conscientious and ecologically responsible traveler.

How to preserve the ecosystem of the Thai Islands

To safeguard the Thai Islands’ ecosystem, follow these straightforward steps to protect the environment during your journey. Discover practical suggestions below.

Respect the flora and fauna:


This may seem obvious, but it is important to avoid disturbing wild animals, collecting plants or coral. Travellers are there to observe marine life, while keeping a safe distance so as not to disturb natural habitats.

Reduce your Impact:

The most complex thing, but the most important, is to leave no trace of your passage. Here too, simple gestures can help, such as avoiding leaving behind plastic waste, batteries, etc.


  • Reduce the use of plastic bags as much as possible: Opt for reusable cloth bags when you do your shopping and gently refuse disposable plastic bags.
    “I don’t want a plastic bag, thank you” translates into Thai as “May yao thung, kap”.

Use environmentally-friendly products:

Opt for biodegradable products, particularly sun protection products that do not contain chemicals that are harmful to coral reefs.


  • Choose eco-friendly personal care items by using biodegradable soaps and shampoos.

Conserve Water:


Water is a precious resource on the islands, so it is advisable to use it sparingly to avoid wasting it.

Support Local Initiatives:


Encourage businesses and activities that are committed to sustainable practices that respect the environment.


  • Keep an eye out for OTOP (One Tambon One Product) shops. This Thai government initiative promotes local handicrafts and specialties, emphasizing products not intended for export.
  • Reduce your meat consumption: vegetarian dishes or locally sourced seafood help to reduce the carbon impact of food choices.

Respect the rules and regulations:

The national parks are managed by professionals who advocate simple rules. It is therefore essential to respect them in order to preserve the environment. These regulations define protected areas, diving restrictions and fishing rules.
It is therefore essential to take sensitive areas into account and avoid walking on coral, for example.

Save energy:

Simple gesture: turn off the lights, air conditioning and electronic appliances when you leave your accommodation. This helps to limit your carbon footprint.


  • Use rechargeable batteries for electronic devices to reduce waste and save energy.
  • Keep air conditioning to a minimum, setting the temperature at a moderate level rather than the lowest setting to save energy.
  • Use time-controlled chargers to avoid overcharging appliances.
  • Unplug appliances once they are fully charged.
  • Use portable solar chargers to take advantage of free solar energy when you’re on the move.

Eco-friendly diving:


Demonstrate environmental responsibility when practising water sports, whether snorkelling or diving.
When diving, snorkelling or taking part in other water sports, it’s best not to touch the coral, even if you really want to. The slightest contact can cause irreparable damage.

Are you prepared to contribute to the well-being of the Thai Islands? Begin your eco-friendly journey now and become part of the solution! Share our eco-travel guide !!